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Kent Island Youth Baseball and Softball

Kent Island Youth Baseball and Softball

Anne Arundel Baseball Cooperative Rules


4-5U (Tee Ball) and 6U (Coach Pitch)

8U Division (Rookies)

10U Division (Minors)

12U Division (Majors)

15U (Juniors).




4-5U (Tee Ball) and 6U (Coach Pitch)


  1. General
    1. This division shall follow the PONY league rules for this division, except where modified herein.
    2. Coaches from both teams will be designated as umpires prior to the start of the game.
    3. For the spring season, a player's age is his age on August 31 of the current year. A player may not be older than 5 to play in 4-5U, or 6 to play in 6U division.
    4. A rostered player shall not also be on another Co-op, travel, or select team.
    5. Clinic teams may borrow players:
      1. All borrowed players must be announced at the plate conference, to the opposing manager.
      2. A borrowed player must be from the same organization in the same age group.
    6. Field & Equipment
      1. 60 foot bases. A pitching circle approximately 35 feet from the plate. A fair ball Arc approximately 8 feet in front of the plate.
      2. The Home Team and/or Organization is responsible for preparing the field for play. The Home Team shall select its dugout before the Visiting Team.
      3. The Visiting Team is entitled to use the infield for practice beginning 30 minutes before the scheduled start of the game. The visiting team must yield the infield to the home team 15 minutes before the scheduled start of the game.
      4. Both teams shall supply one NEW game ball, and one GOOD back-up ball. A soft or safety ball is used in these divisions.
      5. All bats must conform to USA Baseball standards. Metal and composite bats must feature the USABat certification mark, and be listed on the website. Solid, one piece wood bats may be used with or without the USA Baseball Mark.
      6. Plastic cleats are permitted, but not required.
      7. Protective cups are NOT required.
      8. Batters and base runners must wear helmets at all times. There is only one batter allowed on deck at a time. The only players allowed to swing a bat are the batter and the on deck hitter.
    7. Game & Innings
      1. There will be a short pre-game conference held at home plate between opposing managers to discuss these and any other ground rules.
      2. A regular 4-5U game is 4 innings. A regular 6U game is 5 innings. For both divisions, a shortened game (for time, weather, etc.) is official (won't be rescheduled) if both teams have batted 3 or more full innings.
      3. No new inning shall start after 1 hour from the start time.
      4. 1st half of 4-5U season - team outs are NOT counted. An offensive inning consists of one time around the batting order regardless of the number of outs made by the defensive team. 2nd half of 4-5U season, and all of 6U season - team outs ARE counted. An offensive inning ends after three outs, or max of once around the batting order. IF one defensive team turns three outs twice in the same game, all remaining innings revert to once around the batting order.
      5. Scores will not be kept, so there is NO run limit or mercy rule in this division.
    8. Batting & Baserunning
      1. All players on the roster will bat continuously. The order must be announced prior to game time, but no later than the pre-game conference.
      2. A team may start with any number of players. If a player must leave the game for any reason, he is simply removed from the batting order. Any player arriving late is inserted at the end of the batting order.
      3. 1st half of 4-5U season - all batters hit from the tee. There is no coach pitching. 2nd half of 4-5U season, and all of 6U season - a coach pitcher may throw up to 6 pitches to each batter. Balls and strikes are not counted. If a fair ball is not hit in 6 pitches, the batter hits from a tee.
      4. Batter and runners advance as far as they can during the batted ball. Once a batted ball has been fielded and thrown by a fielder, runners may not advance beyond the base they are on or already headed to.
      5. If a batter or runner is put-out, they must go back to the bench, whether team outs are being counted that inning or not.
      6. First and third base coaches are permitted in the coaching boxes to coach the runners.
      7. Bunting is NOT permitted.
      8. Leading off is NOT permitted. Players cannot leave the base until the bat makes contact with the ball.
      9. Stealing is NOT permitted.
      10. No sliding at any base or plate. Do not teach players to collide with defensive players.
    9. Pitching
      1. 2nd half of 4-5U season, and all of 6U season - the manager or a coach pitches to the batters, but any batter may elect to hit straight from the tee all season.
      2. If a batter is pitched to, he may receive not more than 6 pitches, good or bad. If a fair ball is not hit after 6 pitches, then the batter must use the tee. This MUST be enforced or games will become too long and uninteresting for the children.
    10. Fielding
      1. All players are in the field on defense.
        1. A player-catcher is optional, but must wear a catcher's helmet and mask, and stand well away from home plate. The catcher is used to make plays at home and field balls hit near the plate.
        2. A player is placed as a fielding pitcher near the mound, no closer than 38 feet.
  • The remaining players are placed in the regular infield positions, then short outfielders between 1st and 2nd, 2nd and Short, Short and third. Additional fielders should be distributed in the regular outfield positions. A defensive coach is permitted, and encouraged, to be on the field behind players for instructional purposes. Coaches are not to touch a live ball.
  1. 4-5U Division - Play will stop when the batted ball is first THROWN by any fielder.
  2. 6U Division - Play will stop when the ball is first THROWN to a base on an infield hit, or first RETURNED to the infield on an outfield hit.
  3. Coaches shall position runners between bases to the nearest base. No extra bases on overthrows, in play or out of play.
  4. One defensive coach is permitted on the field to guide the players in the fielding of their positions.





8U Division (Rookies)


  1. General
    1. This division shall follow the PONY league rules for this division, except where modified herein.
    2. The Home Organization shall schedule a paid umpire, and the Home Team shall pay the FULL Umpire Fee. If an umpire does not show, then a coach from both teams shall be designated as alternating umpires prior to the start of the game.
    3. For the spring season, a player's age is his age on August 31 of the current year. A player may not be older than 8 to play in this division.
    4. A rostered player shall not also be on another Co-op, travel, or select team.
    5. In order to prevent forfeits during the regular season, teams may borrow players:
      1. All borrowed players must be announced at the plate conference, to the opposing manager and the umpire.
      2. A borrowed player must be from the same organization in the same age group.
  • A borrowed player may only play in the outfield.
  1. A borrowed player must bat at the end of the order.
  2. Teams shall NOT borrow players during a Co-op post-season tournament game.
  1. Rules labeled as COACH PITCH, MACHINE PITCH, or KID PITCH only apply to the divisions that have agreed to play by those rules before the start of the season.
  1. Field & Equipment
    1. 50 foot bases. A 7-foot diameter pitching circle, centered approximately 35 feet from the plate. A fair ball Arc, approximately 8 feet in front of the plate, beyond which the ball must go to be a fair ball. Three Basepath Marks, half-way between first and second, second and third, and third and home; used to position runners to the nearest base when play is stopped.
    2. Home Team and/or Organization is responsible for preparing the field for play.
    3. Home Team shall select its dugout before the Visiting Team.
    4. Visiting Team is entitled to use the infield for practice beginning 30 minutes before the scheduled start of the game. The visiting team must yield the infield to the home team 15 minutes before the scheduled start of the game.
    5. Both teams shall supply one NEW game ball, and one GOOD back-up ball. A regular hard ball is used in this division.
    6. All bats must conform to USA Baseball standards. Metal and composite bats must feature the USABat certification mark, and be listed on website. Solid, one piece wood bats may be used with or without the USA Baseball Mark.
    7. Metal cleats are NOT permitted.
    8. All male players MUST wear a protective cup when catching, and recommended all other positions.
    9. Batters and base runners must wear helmets at all times. There is only one batter allowed on deck at a time. The only players allowed to swing a bat are the batter and the on deck hitter.
  2. Game & Innings
    1. There will be a short pre-game conference held at home plate between opposing managers and the umpires prior to the start of every game to discuss these and any other ground rules.
    2. A regular game is 6 innings. A shortened game (for time, weather, etc.) is official when 4 innings have been completed.
    3. No new inning shall start after 1 ½ hours from the start time.
    4. A run limit of 5 runs per inning shall apply for all innings except the last inning and any extra innings. When the time limit is approaching, a "Last Inning" may be declared if both managers agree before the start of the top of that inning.
    5. There is NO mercy rule in this division.
    6. Games may end in a tie, if the score is tied after the last complete inning.
  3. Batting & Baserunning
    1. All players on the roster will bat continuously. The order must be announced prior to game time, but no later than the pre-game conference.
    2. A team may start with 8 players and the ninth spot IS NOT AN OUT. If the ninth or more player shows up late, that player will be put in the last spot in the line-up. If a player must leave the game for any reason, it must be permanent, and the team will NOT be charged with an out.
    3. The Dropped Third Strike rule shall NOT be enforced. The batter is automatically out on strike three whether or not the catcher holds on to the third strike.
    4. Bunting is NOT permitted. A deliberately attempted bunt is a foul ball.
    5. Leading off is NOT permitted. Players cannot leave the base until the bat makes contact with the ball.
    6. Stealing is NOT permitted.
    7. No head-first sliding at any base or plate. Do not teach players to collide with defensive players. Offending runner shall be called out.
    8. A Courtesy Runner for the catcher is permitted at any time. The courtesy runner must be the most recent batted out. The player removed for the courtesy runner must catch the next inning. The umpire may disallow this substitution if it is not speeding up the game.
  4. Pitching
    1. COACH PITCH ONLY. A coach pitcher throws up to 6 pitches to each batter to hit a fair ball. The batter is out after 6 pitches or 3 swinging strikes, whichever comes first. A foul ball on the 6th or subsequent pitch allows another pitch. A batter hit by a ball counts as a pitch, but the batter is NOT awarded 1st base.
    2. MACHINE PITCH ONLY. The machine will be set at 40 mph. The coach will deliver 6 pitches per batter. No balls or strikes are called. If the batter does not put the ball in play by the sixth pitch, the batter is out. No foul outs, unless caught by a defensive player.
    3. KID PITCH ONLY. Upon the 4th ball (non-swing), the coach will rescue the pitcher and continue pitching until the batter strikes out or puts the ball into play. A batter hit by a ball pitched by a coach is NOT awarded 1st base.
    4. KID PITCH ONLY. Maximum innings for any one pitcher in any one game is 2 innings. Once a pitcher throws one pitch in an inning, that is considered a full inning. Once a pitcher is removed from the mound, he CAN be brought back to pitch as long as he is under the two inning maximum. A pitcher who hits two batters in the same inning shall be removed and cannot re-enter as a pitcher.
  5. Fielding
    1. 10 players are on the field on defense. The 10th player must play in the outfield, and all outfielders must play at least 30 feet behind the infield. Short-sided teams (8 or 9 players) must field a pitcher, catcher, and 4 infielders.
    2. You Pay, You Play - a minimum of four innings in the field per 6 inning game, and a minimum of 2 of those in the infield. No player shall sit on the bench in consecutive innings. To the maximum extent possible, all players shall play in the field equally.
    3. To encourage infielders to throw to a base, on a batted ball that stays within the infield, whether it touches a fielder or not, runners may not advance more than one base from the beginning of the play, regardless of whether the ball is overthrown or not, or even if it is thrown out of play. The emphasis being that we don't want routine ground balls and plays at first to be doubles every time due to the throw from the fielder or the catch from the first baseman. The runner will either be put out at first on a clean play or be safe and not advance to second when the ball is overthrown or missed by the first baseman.
    4. Batted balls to the outfield must be returned to the infield and be in possession of an infielder, before that infielder may attempt to make a play, or call time (raise ball over head). If a player calls time, the umpire positions runners based on the Base path Marks.
    5. ONE base on an overthrow if it is out of play. Overthrows to a coach pitcher after play has stopped does not result in extra bases.
    6. The Infield Fly rule shall NOT be enforced.
    7. No hidden ball tricks.
    8. 1st half of season - One defensive coach is permitted in the outfield to guide the players in the fielding of their positions.







10U Division (Minors)


  1. General
    1. This division shall follow the PONY league rules for this division, except where modified herein.
    2. The Home Organization shall schedule a paid umpire, and the Home Team shall pay the FULL Umpire Fee. If an umpire does not show, then a coach from both teams shall be designated as alternating umpires prior to the start of the game.
    3. For the spring season, a player's age is his age on August 31 of the current year. A player may not be older than 10 to play in this division.
    4. A rostered player shall not also be on another Co-op, travel, or select team.
    5. In order to prevent forfeits during the regular season, teams may borrow players:
      1. All borrowed players must be announced at the plate conference, to the opposing manager and the umpire.
      2. A borrowed player must be from the same organization in the same age group. iii. A borrowed player may only play in the outfield, and expressly may not pitch. iv. A borrowed player must bat at the end of the order.
  • Teams shall NOT borrow players during a Co-op post-season tournament game.
  1. Field & Equipment
    1. 60 foot bases.
    2. The Home Team and/or Organization is responsible for preparing the field for play.
    3. The Home Team shall select its dugout before the Visiting Team.
    4. The Visiting Team is entitled to use the infield for practice beginning 30 minutes before the scheduled start of the game. The visiting team must yield the infield to the home team 15 minutes before the scheduled start of the game.
    5. Both teams shall supply one NEW game ball, and one GOOD back-up ball.
    6. All bats must conform to USA Baseball standards. Metal and composite bats must feature the USABat certification mark, and be listed on the website. Solid, one piece wood bats may be used with or without the USA Baseball Mark.
    7. Metal cleats are NOT permitted.
    8. All male players MUST wear a protective cup when catching, and recommended all other positions.
  2. Game & Innings
    1. There will be a short pre-game conference held at home plate between opposing managers and the umpires prior to the start of every game to discuss these and any other ground rules.
    2. A regular game is 6 innings. A shortened game (for time, weather, etc.) is official when 4 innings have been completed.
    3. When a following game is scheduled on the same field requiring the field to be vacated, there shall be a dead stop at 2 hours and 15 minutes from the game start time. If the inning is not completed, the score reverts to the last completed inning.
      1. When there is no following game scheduled on the same field then no dead stop shall be imposed and the last inning started prior to the 2 hour game limit must be played out to completion.
      2. If no dead stop is imposed due to a following game, and the last inning is not completed due to lack of daylight or weather, either opponent may declare the game a suspended game and request to resume the game at a later time. The team requesting the suspended game is responsible for any additional umpire fees.
    4. A Run Limit of 5 runs applies for all innings except the last inning and any extra innings. When the time limit is approaching, a "Last Inning" may be declared if both managers agree before the start of the top of that inning.
    5. The game will end if one team is ahead by 10 runs after 4 or more complete innings.
    6. Games may end in a tie, if the score is tied after the last complete inning.
  3. Batting & Baserunning
    1. All players on the roster will bat continuously. The order must be announced prior to game time, but no later than the pre-game conference.
    2. A team may start with 8 players and the ninth spot IS NOT AN OUT. If the ninth player shows up late, that player will be put in the last spot in the line-up. If a player must leave the game for any reason, the team will NOT be charged with an out.
    3. The Dropped Third Strike rule shall NOT be enforced. The batter is automatically out on strike three whether or not the catcher holds on to the third strike.
    4. Bunting is permitted.
    5. Leading off is NOT permitted. BASE RUNNERS must stay on their bases when a pitcher is in contact with the pitcher's plate and in possession of the ball and the catcher is in the catcher's box ready to receive delivery of the ball. Base runners shall not leave/lead off base until the ball has crossed home plate. If a runner leaves a base ahead of time, the runner's advance, and the advance of every runner on base at the time, is restricted to no more than how far the batter advances as the result of his safe hit.
    6. Stealing permitted on all bases (including home on a passed ball). There is no stealing of home on an overthrow from the catcher to the pitcher after a pitched ball. At the discretion of the BOTH teams, both may agree to not steal or modified stealing (i.e. No stealing of home, etc.) but must inform the umpire of any changes.
    7. No head-first sliding, with the exception of returning to a base on pick-off throw from pitcher or catcher. Offending runner shall be called out.
    8. A Courtesy Runner for the catcher of record is permitted at any time. The courtesy runner must be the last batted out. The umpire may disallow this substitution if it is not speeding up the game.
    9. A player throwing a bat will be issued a warning; a second occurrence will result in the batter being out.
  4. Pitching
    1. Maximum innings for any one pitcher is 3 innings in one game, and 9 innings in a calendar week.
    2. Once a pitcher throws a single pitch in an inning it constitutes a full inning pitched.
    3. Innings must be consecutive within a game. Once a pitcher has been removed from the mound in a game, or does not come back out to the mound after pitching the previous inning, he cannot be brought back in to pitch in that same game.
    4. A pitcher who hits two batters in the same inning, or three in a game, must be removed.
    5. There are NO balks in this division.
    6. Intentional Walks are NOT permitted. If the umpire believes that a batter has been intentionally walked, he will warn the manager that it is against the rules. If it happens a second time, the manager will be ejected at the discretion of the umpire and the game is subject to forfeit.
  5. Fielding
    1. Only 9 players are allowed in the field on defense.
    2. You Pay, You Play - a minimum of four innings in the field per 6 inning game. No player shall sit on the bench in consecutive innings. To the maximum extent possible, all players shall play in the field equally.
    3. ONE base on an overthrow if the ball goes out of play.
    4. The infield fly rule shall not be enforced.





12U Division (Majors)


  1. General
    1. This division shall follow the PONY league rules for this division, except where modified herein.
    2. The Home Organization shall schedule a paid umpire, and the Home Team shall pay the FULL Umpire Fee. If an umpire does not show, then a coach from both teams shall be designated as alternating umpires prior to the start of the game.
    3. For the spring season, a player's age is his age on August 31 of the current year. A player may not be older than 12 to play in this division.
    4. A rostered player shall not also be on another Co-op, travel, or select team.
    5. In order to prevent forfeits during the regular season, teams may borrow players:
      1. All borrowed players must be announced at the plate conference, to the opposing manager and the umpire.
      2. A borrowed player must be from the same organization in the same age group.
  • A borrowed player may only play in the outfield, and expressly may not pitch.
  1. A borrowed player must bat at the end of the order.
  2. Teams shall NOT borrow players during a Co-op post-season tournament game.
  1. Field & Equipment
    1. 70 foot bases.
    2. The Home Team and/or Organization is responsible for preparing the field for play.
    3. The Home Team shall select its dugout before the Visiting Team.
    4. The Visiting Team is entitled to use the infield for practice beginning 30 minutes before the scheduled start of the game. The visiting team must yield the infield to the home team 15 minutes before the scheduled start of the game.
    5. Both teams shall supply one NEW game ball, and one GOOD back-up ball.
    6. All bats must conform to USA Baseball standards. Metal and composite bats must feature the USABat certification mark, and be listed on the website. Solid, one piece wood bats may be used with or without the USA Baseball Mark.
    7. Metal cleats are NOT permitted.
    8. All male players MUST wear a protective cup when catching, and recommended all other positions.
  2. Game & Innings
    1. There will be a short pre-game conference held at home plate between opposing managers and the umpires prior to the start of every game to discuss these and any other ground rules.
    2. A regular game is 6 innings. A shortened game (for time, weather, etc.) is official when 4 innings have been completed.
    3. When a following game is scheduled on the same field requiring the field to be vacated, there shall be a dead stop at 2 hours and 15 minutes from the game start time. If the inning is not completed, the score reverts to the last completed inning.
      1. When there is no following game scheduled on the same field then no dead stop shall be imposed and the last inning started prior to the 2 hour game limit must be played out to completion.
      2. If no dead stop is imposed due to a following game, and the last inning is not completed due to lack of daylight or weather, either opponent may declare the game a suspended game and request to resume the game at a later time. The team requesting the suspended game is responsible for any additional umpire fees.
    4. A Run Limit of 5 runs applies for all innings except the last inning and any extra innings. When the time limit is approaching, a "Last Inning" may be declared if both managers agree before the start of the top of that inning.
    5. The game will end if one team is ahead by 10 runs after 4 or more complete innings.
    6. Games may end in a tie, if the score is tied after the last complete inning.
  3. Batting & Baserunning
    1. All players on the roster will bat continuously. The order must be announced prior to game time, but no later than the pre-game conference.
    2. A team may start with 8 players and the ninth spot IS NOT AN OUT. If the ninth player shows up late, that player will be put in the last spot in the line-up. If a player must leave the game for any reason, the team will NOT be charged with an out.
    3. The Dropped Third Strike rule shall be enforced.
    4. Bunting is permitted.
    5. Leading off is permitted.
    6. Stealing is permitted on all bases.
    7. No head-first sliding, with the exception of returning to a base on pick-off throw from pitcher or catcher. Offending runner shall be called out.
    8. A Courtesy Runner for the catcher of record is permitted at any time. The courtesy runner must be the last batted out. The umpire may disallow this substitution if it is not speeding up the game.
    9. A player throwing a bat will be issued a warning; a second occurrence will result in the batter being out.
  4. Pitching
    1. Maximum innings for any one pitcher is 3 innings in one game, and 9 innings in a calendar week.
    2. Once a pitcher throws a single pitch in an inning, it is considered a full inning.
    3. Innings must be consecutive within a game. Once a pitcher has been removed from the mound in a game, or does not come back out to the mound after pitching the previous inning, he cannot be brought back in to pitch in that same game.
    4. A pitcher who hits two batters in the same inning, or three in a game, must be removed. The umpire will issue one BALK warning per pitcher per inning. If, on the play that an umpire issues a balk warning, a runner is attempting to advance, and if in the judgment of the umpire the runner would have reached the base safely despite the balk, the umpire will not require the runner to return to the base he was on at the start of the play. All other occurrences will result in a balk being called and all base runners shall advance one base.
    5. Intentional Walks are NOT permitted. If the umpire believes that a batter has been
    6. intentionally walked, he will warn the manager that it is against the rules. If it happens a second time, the manager will be ejected at the discretion of the umpire and the game is subject to forfeit.
  5. Fielding
    1. Only 9 players are allowed in the field on defense.
    2. You Pay, You Play - a minimum of four innings in the field per 6 inning game. No player shall sit on the bench in consecutive innings. To the maximum extent possible, all players shall play in the field equally.
    3. ONE base on an overthrow if the ball goes out of play.
    4. The infield fly rule shall be enforced.







15U (Juniors)


  1. General
    1. The 13-15 division shall follow the Babe Ruth League rules for this division and the 16-18 division shall follow the High School Federation rules, except where modified herein.
    2. The Home Organization shall schedule two paid umpires, and each team pays half of the total cost. If one umpire shows, one umpire is used. If neither umpire shows, then a coach from both teams shall be designated as alternating umpires (plate/base) prior to the start of the game.
    3. For the spring season, a player's age is his age on August 31 of the current year. A player may not be older than the maximum age of each division (15 or 18, respectively).
    4. A rostered player shall not also be on a high school JV or Varsity baseball
    5. A rostered player shall not also be on another Co-op, CHEN, travel, or select team.
    6. In order to prevent forfeits during the regular season, teams may borrow players:
      1. All borrowed players must be announced at the plate conference, to the opposing manager and the umpire.
      2. A borrowed player must be from the same organization in the same age group. A borrowed player may only play in the outfield, and expressly may not pitch.
  • A borrowed player must bat at the end of the order.
  1. Teams shall NOT borrow players during a Co-op post-season tournament game.
  1. Field & Equipment
    1. 90 foot bases.
    2. The Home Team and/or Organization is responsible for preparing the field for play.
    3. The Home Team shall select its dugout before the Visiting Team.
    4. The Visiting Team is entitled to use the infield for practice beginning 30 minutes before the scheduled start of the game. The visiting team must yield the infield to the home team 15 minutes before the scheduled start of the game.
    5. Both teams shall supply one NEW game ball, and one GOOD back-up ball.
    6. Bat Regulations for 13-15U division:
      1. Any bat stamped with USA Bat. See
      2. Bat may not exceed 34" in length.
  • Bat barrel may not exceed 2 ⅝" in diameter.
  1. All aluminum barrel bats are allowed.
  2. All aluminum barrel/composite handle bats are allowed.
  3. Composite barrel bats must be stamped BBCOR .50(-3).
  • Wood bats conforming to the specification of Official Baseball Rule 1.10 are allowed.
  1. Bat Regulations for 16-8U division:
    1. All bats must be BBCOR .50(-3).
    2. Wood bats conforming to the specification of Official Baseball Rule 1.10 are allowed.
  2. Metal cleats ARE permitted.
  3. All male players MUST wear a protective cup when catching, and recommended all other positions.
  1. Game & Innings
    1. There will be a short pre-game conference held at home plate between opposing managers and the umpires prior to the start of every game to discuss these and any other ground rules.
    2. A regular game is 7 innings. A shortened game (for time, weather, etc.) is official on or after 4 innings are completed.
    3. No new inning shall start after 2 hours from the game start time. A new inning is considered started when the 3rd out is recorded from the previous inning.
    4. When a following game is scheduled on the same field requiring the field to be vacated, there shall be a dead stop at 2 hours and 15 minutes from the game start time. If the inning is not completed, the score reverts to the last completed inning.
      1. When there is no following game scheduled on the same field then no dead stop shall be imposed and the last inning started prior to the 2 hour game limit must be played out to completion.
      2. If no dead stop is imposed due to a following game, and the last inning is not completed due to lack of daylight or weather, either opponent may declare the game a suspended game and request to resume the game at a later time. The team requesting the suspended game is responsible for any additional umpire fees.
    5. A Run Limit of 5 runs applies for all innings except the last inning and any extra innings. When the time limit is approaching, a "Last Inning" may be declared if both managers agree before the start of the top of that inning.
    6. The game will end if one team is ahead by 10 runs after 5 or more complete innings.
    7. Games may end in a tie, if the score is tied after the last complete inning.
  2. Batting & Baserunning
    1. All players on the roster will bat continuously. The order must be announced prior to game time, but no later than the pre-game conference.
    2. A team may start with 8 players and the ninth spot IS NOT AN OUT. If the ninth player shows up late, that player will be put in the last spot in the line-up. If a player must leave the game for any reason, the team will NOT be charged with an out.
    3. The Dropped Third Strike rule shall be enforced.
    4. Bunting is permitted.
    5. Leading off is permitted.
    6. Stealing is permitted on all bases.
    7. 15U: No head-first sliding, with the exception of returning to a base on pick-off throw from pitcher or catcher. Offending runner shall be called out.
    8. 18U: Head-first sliding is allowed.
    9. A Courtesy Runner for the catcher of record is permitted at any time. The courtesy runner must be the last batted out. The umpire may disallow this substitution if it is not speeding up the game.
    10. A player throwing a bat will be issued a warning; a second occurrence will result in the batter being called out.
  3. Pitching
    1. Maximum innings for any one pitcher is 4 innings in one game, and 12 innings in a calendar week.
    2. Once a pitcher throws a single pitch in an inning, it is considered a full inning.
    3. Innings must be consecutive within a game. Once a pitcher has been removed from the mound in a game, or does not come back out to the mound after pitching the previous inning, he cannot be brought back in to pitch in that same game.
    4. A pitcher who hits two batters in the same inning, or three in a game, must be removed.
    5. Balks shall be called. NO warnings.
    6. Intentional Walks are permitted.
  4. Fielding
    1. Only 9 players are allowed in the field on defense.
    2. You Pay, You Play - a minimum of four innings in the field per 6 inning game. No player shall sit on the bench in consecutive innings. To the maximum extent possible, all players shall play in the field equally.
    3. ONE base on an overthrow if the ball goes out of play.
    4. The infield fly rule shall be enforced.


Kent Island Youth Baseball and Softball
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